Friday, June 24, 2011

LGBT New Yorkers to President Obama : Call Dean Skelos and Demand a Vote on Marriage Equality

LGBT New Yorkers to President Obama : Evolve Already on Marriage Equality !

Open message to President Obama : Call Sen. Dean Skelos at 1-518-455-3171 and demand that Sen. Skelos hold a vote on the marriage equality bill pending right now in the New York state senate.

LGBT activists, allies, and supporters gathered for a demonstration outside President Obama's fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in New York City, where the President was attending his very first campaign fundraiser that was specifically targeting LGBT voters and campaign contributors.

This fundraiser is coming off the heels of a week during which White House officials have said that the President never supported marriage equality, even though he signed a campaign questionnaire to that effect in 1996.

The Obama administration has said that its ''official'' position on marriage equality is still evolving, but LGBT equality groups, such as GetEQUAL, Connecting Rainbows, and others, have demanded that the President should ''evolve already'' and support LGBT equality in all forms, including marriage equality.

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